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Beryl, UT

On October 28th and 29th Dixie Paranormal Society went to Beryl, UT.

We were asked to investigate a farm where the owners experienced weird stuff including cabinet doors slamming, shadowy figures, and foot steps. One of the children had an imaginary friend that looked like one of the neighbor children that was a victim of a murder suicide in the 90's.The farm has had an estimated 12 deaths on it, with most of them being suicides. The neighbor's house had a husband kill his wife, children, and himself. Due to the activity and anxiety felt when they are on the property, the family is not willing to stay on the property overnight.

We split this investigation into 2 days due to there being over 10 buildings to investigate. In the end we narrowed the activity to one mobile home on the property. We have lots of evidence to go over and will post it when we finish going through it.

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